
Plein air Painting with Chan Dissanayake (Monthly)

pleinair_logoIMG_0965 My aim in these focused sessions is to take a group of art enthusiasts out into the surrounding landscapes of Canberra and teach methods of plein-air painting using watercolour. We will be tackling varying subject matter in varying weather conditions. Watercolour is a fresh, dynamic medium that is well suited to this type of work. There are undeniable benefits in painting plein-air. Firstly, it forces us to paint efficiently due to the challenging elements in nature. Secondly, it forces us to analyse and simplify our subject matter to its core elements. Thirdly, we are able to achieve fresh, loose and spontaneous results that we all strive to achieve in our works. I will be focusing on initial drawing; compositional studies; simplification of subject matter and watercolour techniques in achieving the best results. I will complete a full demonstration and then students will be encouraged to complete a painting based on their own interpretation of the subject using the demonstrated techniques. (Not just copy my demo!) You will need a light weight field easel or you can sit on a fold-up chair with a small board on your knees. For bookings please contact me preferably via email or Phone 0405 024 971. Payment is in cash on the day. Please note that we have a limit of 15 members per session. After you have registered for a session you will be informed of the plein air location. For bookings please contact me preferably via email or Phone 0405 024 971. Payment is in cash on the day. Please note that we have a limit of 15 members per session.